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MWD Tool Test Box - with CAN

Test box for shop use with an Integrated CAN interface.
SKU: 105355

The MWD Tool test box is an interface between the MWD tool string and the surface decoding system to allow surface testing of the tool and surface gear.

  1. Simulates flow on/off conditions by manipulating the flow line
  2. Simulates static standpipe pressure with flow on condition (5000 psi)
  3. Converts 5v pulses from the tool to 4-20ma signal to simulate down hole pulsing (200psi pulse  height) to allow full decoding of data from tool string.
  4. Visual indication of Pulse and Flow state and RxTx communication activity
  5. Powered from internal power supply (28v)
  6. Built in Gamma signal simulator (100CPS)
  7. Built in Pulse signal simulator.
  8. Ground jack on front panel for easy testing.
  9. Built in USB-CAN converter module (Kvaser).
  10. User selectable power output on Batt1 or BBUS line.
  11. Allows use of either 6 pin programming cable or 10 pin complete bus cables.

The compact size of this box allows easy use on bench or shelf.

Anodized aluminum front panel.